In the last month Lettie has started crawling and in true fashion it really was 0 to 60 in a period of 24 hours! She is no longer interested in her toys and would rather be getting into everything! Oh and I can't forget her love for chasing Gus around, thank goodness he is a good pup and doesn't mind her pulling his ears, tail and climbing on top of him. He normally just looks over at me like "really?" Her curiosity in all things is so fun to watch! She still only has two teeth and is only saying "dada dada", she is in size 3 diapers and is wearing mostly 9 to 12 month clothes!
Lettie's Measurements
Length: 28 in = 65th percentile (grew 2 inches)
Weight: 20 lb 9 oz = 85th percentile (gained ~ 1.75 lb)
Head Circumference: 17.5 in = 68th percentile (grew 1/4 in)