Saturday, October 31, 2015

33 Weeks

Another doctors appointment and lots and lots of homework! With the semester coming to an end and me wanting to wrap up all my assignments as soon as possible I have been busy busy!


Baby girls heart rate continues to be in the 140s and my belly is measuring right on track. 

Saturday, October 24, 2015

32 Weeks

Another week of pregnancy down and another wedding in the books! I also had an appointment this week, baby girls heart rate was in the 140s and my belly is measuring right on track! We are making major headway in the nursery and it is really all coming together. (Pictures to come)

The belly is definitely getting bigger and heavy. I'm not sleeping as well as I was before and am also starting to have periods of just being uncomfortable but I think that is what is to be expected at this point in the pregnancy. I can't believe I only have 8 weeks left!

This week we are off to Schaumburg to celebrate the new Mr & Mrs Boyd! Oh and of course make a quick stop at Ikea on our way home ;) 

The ladies at wedding #3.
(Kyla, Kiley, Kailey, Jessica, Natalie)

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Christina & Brian's Wedding!

This pregnancy truly seems to be flying by and I'm not sure where the time has gone but what I do know is that I am still feeling pretty good and I am so thankful for that!

This week we have our second wedding in a row and we are off to Iowa to celebrate Christina and Brian. Isaac is a groomsmen in the wedding so he went up Friday night while my prego self stayed home! 

The picture is a little dark but nonetheless we got a picture together, which if you know me this is a success in itself! I truly hate having my picture taken but I am trying to get better!

Some of the ladies I had the pleasure of spending the day and night with!! (Jenn, Amy, Jenny & Krysta)

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Discovery Museum/ 29 Weeks

Isaac & I attempted to take Avery and Chazz to Rader's Pumpkin Farm but due to weather we had to change our plans, so instead we went to the Discovery Museum in uptown Normal. I just hope they weren't disappointed and had as much fun as we did! It was so fun to watch Isaac with his niece and nephew, he is gone so much but we finally made plans to take the kids for the day and do something fun! 

Isaac & Chazz at the water table!

Avery was cracking me up, running back and forth to grab the scarves as she was putting them in tube system!

She wasn't so sure about this climbing maze at first but I was so proud of her by the end she was crawling all around!

Uncle Isaac & the kids jamming out!

Avery putting on a performance for me! I can't wait to give Avery a girl cousin so they can play dress up!

Of course we had to go to Firehouse Pizza afterwards, baby was hungry, right?!!!